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Marsala to Palermo (11/11)

Route 11 of 11 routes forming a tour down the west coast of Italy to Sicily. All routes link together.

A route around the north west coast of Sicily. Some of the roads used are small and bumpy and there are a number of tight and steep hairpin bends - caution advised.

This is in fact, the last route of this tour. You have a choice to either take to the road to head off of the island at Messina or hop on a ferry. Ferry routes include Genoa in northern Italy, Sardinia where you can tour the island and hop on another ferry to France, or even across to Tunisia in North Africa. The choice is yours. I hope you have enjoyed this tour.

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Nick Carthew / AH
Driving 0km (21📍) 0:00 🇮🇹 GPX, KML

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